Dr. Melanie Ring


Dr. Melanie Ring
Dr. Melanie Ring Veterinarian

Dr. Melanie Ring has been in the veterinary profession since she was 14 years old and started volunteering at a veterinary clinic. She graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College in 2003 and practiced for 5 years before becoming the owner and operator of Pioneer Pet Hospital in Ontario for almost 10 years. In 2017 she sold her practice and moved to beautiful Nova Scotia to live out her and her husband’s dream of having a farm and living sustainably. She is thrilled to be a part of the amazing South Shore team and continue to practice her life-long passion as a veterinarian.

Melanie is married to her soul-mate Matthew, has Meadow, an affectionate and naughty Bouvier- doodle, lovely laying hens (the ladies), sheep and newest editions, Kunekune pigs. “Being a veterinarian is the only career that I have ever wanted, and I feel privileged to be able to devote my life to helping to improve the lives of our beloved pets and the people who love them.”