

Wendy Client Care Representative

Wendy started working for South Shore Vet in 1979 as an after-school student every week day from 4:30 until 8:30 pm. Wendy was born in Bridgewater and attended BHS and after graduation entered classes at Lunenburg Regional Vocational School. Wendy was also grandfathered into the NSVMA as a Veterinary Technician in 2017.

As long as she can remember she wanted to be around animals. It didn't matter what kind or what they looked like, if she could help them in any way or get to touch them it was great. This job makes that happen! Plus, our clients are the kindest people on earth and she sees that kindness every day in their relationships with their pets. It doesn't matter if it’s a pocket pet, chicken, rat or snake.

Wendy’s household consists at this time of 1 Siamese cat, named Chester who is 10 years old. She also has a 6-year-old grand dog named, Riley who is a staff terrier mix. Both are great and she loves being with them. Getting outdoors with both of them is the best, sitting in the sun near the brook close by. Believe it or not, Wendy had planned on being a hairdresser and studied in a shop her brother-in-law owned in Halifax.

She worked 4 days a week at SSV, and trained part time at the shop for about 1 year and almost finished the hours she needed. Wendy felt that hairdressing was really not what she wanted to do (maybe if there would have been some cats or dogs around the salon she might have had more of a desire to stay). It was fun learning about hair but working with animals is way better!