IMPORTANT NOTICE: Our equine services are temporarily unavailable, but we hope to resume soon. In the meantime, please contact Avon Animal Hospital for your equine care needs.

Weight Management

By maintaining a healthy weight, your cat or dog will be less prone to develop other conditions.

We are pet parents just like you. We understand how easy it is to spoil our pets and give them all the treats they want, especially when they beg us with their cute faces! Although it may make them extra soft and cuddly, excess weight can have serious long-term effects on your pet. On the other side, being underweight is also bad for your pet, and may be a symptom of an underlying health condition. Our team can help you keep your furry family member at a healthy weight. Simply call us at 902-543-5602 to learn more.

How can I help my pet lose weight?

The first step is to schedule a consultation with one of our veterinarians here at South Shore. This way, we can properly diagnose the cause of your pet’s weight gain or weight loss. It is not always as simple as eating too much or too little food. Several kinds of conditions like thyroid disease, stress, pregnancy, endocrine disorders, arthritis, acromegaly, urinary tract disease, congestive heart failure and certain medications can all cause rapid weight gain in pets.

Can walking help a pet lose weight?

It can definitely be effective. Other forms of exercise like running, playing fetch and swimming can also help your pet lose weight. For cats, buying different kinds of toys and games that stimulate them mentally and encourage them to move around may also be beneficial. In addition to exercise, you will also need to make significant changes to your pet’s nutrition. This can vary from patient to patient. We may recommend certain serving sizes, feeding schedules, supplements and prescription diets depending on your pet’s specific situation.

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